About us
The team behind AMS
Behind AMS is a team of five founders who bring core competencies from different areas into the company. Due to a close cooperation of the founders with the University of Saarland, AMS has a very advanced and bundled know-how in the field of amorphous metals.
The deep understanding of this innovative class of materials enables us to break new technological ground and work with our customers to elevate their products to a new level.
As a startup, we remain flexible and agile. Flat hierarchies and fast order processing allow us to be successful even with newly developed component series in a short time. In doing so, we keep our customers up to date through permanent feedback loops and let them participate in our progress.
AMS is a spin-off of the Chair of Metallic Materials at Saarland University of Prof. Ralf Busch and was funded by EXIST Forschungstransfer until June 2021. This funding program supports young scientists in the transfer of high-profile research results to industry.

M.Sc. Peter Linek

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kuball

Dr.-Ing. Simon Hechler
Team photos: © Beate-Helena Wehrle
AMS is now part of the Heraeus Group
AMS has been part of Heraeus since July 1, 2021. Together with Heraeus AMLOY, AMS specializes in the production of amorphous components and the development of amorphous alloys.
In addition to AMS technology, AMLOY’s injection molding machine enables the production of larger components with a maximum weight of 80 g, while AMS can represent 15 g and focuses on smaller-sized components. The technology portfolio is complemented by AMLOY’s 3D printing technology. Here, component sizes are limited only by the size of the build plates.
Heraeus AMLOY and AMS are working together to provide the perfect solution to previously unsolved material and processing challenges!
Business milestones
July 2021
AMS becomes part of the Heraeus family
June 2021
Plant Relocation to Homburg
AMS officially moved from Saarland University to its own production hall in the Homburg industrial park in June. The newly renovated hall shines in the new AMS flair. All equipment is fully operational and the first orders are being processed.
January 2020
Founding of a Company
At the beginning of the year 2020, the AMS team founds the company
Amorphous Metal Solutions GmbH. The five founders combine technical know-how and economic expertise, which the first pilot customers appreciate.
October 2019
Funding and prestigious support from EXIST
AMS is supported and gefunded since October 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Economics and dthe European Social Fund ESF through the EXIST Research Transfer. EXIST Research Transfer supports outstanding research-based start-up projects, dwhich are associated with elaborate and high-risk development work.
June 2018
Filing of a patent
The AMS team develops a globally unique concept for the production of components made of amorphous metal. The basis for this is being developed through in-depth research and development at Prof. Busch’s Chair of Metallic Materials at Saarland University. A patent application for this process will be filed with the German Patent and Trademark Office in June 2018.
Partners and supporters